Now. Right now. What I’m thinking right now. Lezze…hmm…you know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking about the short holiday they have in an Indonesian school. It’s like you go to school a perfect year. Huuuhh. I wonder how I’m gonna cope. Bwek. :?
Although there are a lot of these days where they call it the “Red days” it’s like an off day but they have lots of it so…it helps. I think I’m gonna be humiliated at times. Huuuhhh. What a tough life. New Place. New friends. New School. New…I dunno…but it’s all out there.

But I will be the same. I’ll be neutral like I always am. I don’t want to be involved in other people’s business that I’m not suppose to interfere and stuff…
Hmmm…I can’t wait to chill and go somewhere…

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