Nothing much...

I am really bored. I can't wait until the next 3 days, i'm gonna be so busy with parties and stuff.'s gonna be awesome. Cuz right now, my house is like empty and quiet. I'm alone with my baby bro, cuz my mom and other bro went somewhere, and my dad is in east java til i dunno when, and i dunno what to do. So i end up here and facebook.

Haha anyway, so omg, facebook is getting sooo...full. Like almost everyone any age and anytime from anywhere are like there. Though sometimes it's kinda pointless except you can see your friends, but sometimes it's fun. It's amazing how people find fun like that :P but well for some, it's different.

But anyway i'm just givin an update of my booooriiiinngggg life. From my previous posts you might think that i have no life, yeah? well it's like it, cuz i'm like so bored. So w/e. Let's just chill. :))

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